Friday, December 3, 2010


Most of you probably already know that Emmy cut Lilah's hair yesterday. She hacked off the entire top pony tail that Lilah had plus lots of chunks off the sides. On her own hair she cut a side piece that starts at her cheekbone. She had taken my sewing shears out of my sewing basket and did all of her work in about 3 minutes. I was calling for Emmy because it was quite and I figured she was up to no good, and she came back to me looking very proud and waving her hair around saying "look what I did" When I saw what had happened I was shocked and upset and then I got this punch in the gut and ran to find Lilah, and it was worse than I could have imagined. (You can click on the photo's to enlarge them!)

Her hair before the butchering!

The bang area looks long, but it's not really. It's just the front thin layer because those pieces had to travel the farthest to get into the top pony tail!

I've posted a poll on the homepage of the blog <---- Go there to cast your vote and help me decide what to do with her hair! Voting closes Dec. 31st 2010!

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