Day 1: Abby and I took the girls shopping with us on Tuesday and when we returned home and was emptying the car.... kids are here CHECK, shopping bags are here CHECK, Emmy's only remaining binky... MISSING!! I messaged Kim at work to give him a warning that it was gone. He took it just as hard as Emmy did the last time it was missing, but if you all remember it was found after 30 hours or so. This time was different because we lost it outside of the house I knew it was really gone this time. When it came time for bedtime she was restless and unimpressed that we didn't have a binky for her. She feel asleep on Kim and he brought her to bed around 12:30 when he came to bed and Lilah and I had been asleep for a couple of hours already. This woke Emmy up enough that she wanted her binky to go back to sleep and was very upset when we told her that it had gone bye bye. I got up with her and took her to the nursery to pick out some lovies and rocked her until she was asleep. By the time I got her in bed Lilah was waking up for a feed. Good timing girls :)
Day 2: She asked me once in the morning for her binky and then again in the afternoon and wasn't super happy with my answer that it "went bye bye to where the new babies are because they needed one". Bedtime came and went. Every time we laid her down she'd get mad and throw a fit. I figured that keeping her busy until she literally passed out would help her to cope better while going through her withdrawal. Abby and I decided to stay up late and work on our pinata and Emmy did some coloring, then play-doh. Finally at 11:45 she feel asleep in Abby's lap and she brought her to bed and dumped her off.
Day 3: It seems to be going better today. She's grasping the concept and starting to except that it's gone for good. She has walked up to me several times through out the day to tell me "Binky, Gone!" How sad! It breaks my heart and makes me wanna go jump in the car and fly up to the nearest store and get her one, but nothings worse than seeing a big kid with a pacifier. I just tell myself if she's mature enough to use the potty then she's mature enough to let the pacifier go. When it came time for bedtime she through a little bit of a fit, but after a min or two she calmed down and snuggled in. She woke up around 1 AM crying and upset that we didn't have one for her. I think she forgets it's gone in the night and wakes up, then remembers, and then gets really mad. I was able to settler her back down with some back scratching and humming.
Day 4: We have to be past the worst of it now! She told me this morning several times that her binky is gone and pouted a little bit about it. I've noticed now that she'll get my attention and will be pointing towards the kitchen and then she remembers that it's gone. It's such a massive habit alot like the physical habit smokers are addicted to with cigarettes. Maybe I should start a 12 step program for toddlers with binky addiction lol.
Tonight I'm going out with the girls and Kim will be staying home with our girls, so I'm crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly. Lilah doesn't like to be away from me at all and Emmy's still dealing with her loss so I think Kim will have plenty of work tonight!
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