Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Let me say this first. Halloween is my favorite holiday.... even more so than Christmas and with this being said I can not wait to have our first proper Halloween party whenever that may be because Australia has no idea what Halloween is all about and us Harrison Girls are gonna bring it!!

So... this year we did the best we could. We spent the morning talking the girls to the theater to see the Strawberry Short Cake Movie. Emmy had a blast. She spent the first half watching the movie and the second half holding hands and walking around with a new friend (5 or 6 year old little girl) They would walk up close to the scream and then come back again. The theater had only a handful of people so it was pretty relaxed. Lilah did well for the beginning part and then she got tired so I had to go to an area where I could stand so she could get a bit of bouncing in the sling but she fell asleep after 15 min's and we were able to sit and watch the rest. Movie Review: OK I was never a strawberry fan, but never disliked it either, but this movie didn't do too much for me. Oh well.

After the movie we did a little shopping. I got a new dress..woot!!!! Then we headed to Toy's R Us for a Halloween Party. It was the ONLY thing I could find in all of Adelaide to do for Halloween. They had a coloring station, face painting, games, and candies.

She did sooo good for her first face painting. She held 100% still. We did a heart since it was simple, quick, and matched the red theme (snow white).

Lilah enjoyed herself the entire time. Such a happy little ballerina!!

Later on we stopped by Grandma Jan's and Grandpa Kingsley's for a Trick or Treat. Emmy was tired and both girls hungry so we didn't get any pictures *boo*

ps. I DID find carving pumpkins for the first time this year for $12.99 / lbs So it would have ended up costing us $50 for one carving pumpkin LOL crazy I know. Needless to say that I didn't buy one, but if we are still living here when the girls are old enough to remember pumpkin carving I will be shelling out the bucks to get one or two!!

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