Tuesday, April 1, 2008

baby fat

I tried to kill myself today by jumping into some sort of work out routine. I put Emmy in the wrap and put Brodie on his lead and off we went for a walk. For those of you that have not been to my house I basically live on top of a hill, so if you make it any ways from the house you'll be going down hill but more importantly you'll be returning via UPHILL. We did a brisk walk for about 20-25 mins. Brodie was so funny. He tried to walk into some of the pubs as we passed by their doors. He was one tired puppy and was ready to rest! Emmy just slept all snuggled in her wrap the whole time. Ideally I'd like to take walks everyday, but at the very least 3 times a week I guess. More and more of my old clothes are fitting me everyday, but there's still a pile of jeans that are a bit to tight, but I'm determined to get there!

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