Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma Betsy

We hope you have a wonderful birthday! Don't work too hard and when you get the chance to have a glass of wine have an extra one for me! xo Sari

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lilah's gets an A in potty training!

I've been holding off on posting anymore about Lilah's potty training because it's been going great and I was superstitious that it would come to a halt once I posted, but we're full steam ahead. When Abby was still here we did a day of Potty Training Boot Camp and we got her to do the teeny tiny pee in her potty.

The other day she made her daddy very proud when she walked up to him tugging on her diaper and he asked her if she needed to go pee. She shook her head yes so he striped her down and sat her on it and she went!! I wanted so bad to get a picture of her holding her potty and looking proud but my stupid card that goes in my camera was misplaced.

So this brings me to today. Emmy did a pee in Lilah's little potty and I went and cleaned it up and brought it back and there stood Lilah looking at me like "hey... I want to have a turn" so I asked her and she said yes. Wowzers! A full pee in the potty!!!! We were all so excited and jumped around and squealed like we had completely lost out minds. Emmy was congratulating her by saying "very big girl, Lilah".... too cute! Of course after we flush it down the toilet it hits me like a ton of bricks that I should have taken pictures.... I bought a new card yesterday. Oh well.... there will be a next time I thought. I stuck them in the bath and thought I'd keep her bottom free afterward until bedtime. She had a nurse and when I put her down I asked her to go pee on the potty. She promptly went over and filled it again!!! I grabbed the camera and started snapping pictures. I got ones of her holding her potty... dumping in the toilet.... waving good-bye to her pee pee. When I went to upload them.....NO CARD IN THE CAMERA. I forgot to put it back in after uploading photo's this morning. I can't win for loosing!! Again I say....there will be a next time and I will get those Look at me mom, I did a pee pee pictures!!!

Well before I could even get this blog post finished she did pee #3 for tonight! I might be bragging just a little bit *wink wink* but I'm just so darn proud! And here are the photo's..........

Notice she's sitting on it backwards hehe

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Fairies Live Show

awwww I bet this will be someones facebook profile picture!

Our special thing we did with Auntie Abby before she left was to go to the Live Fairies Show. This time it was in our town so getting there was drama free and so easy! You gotta love that! The girls were so excited that morning when we were getting them ready. Tights, Leotards, Dancing Shoes, Petticoats, Pretty Skirts, Fairy Wings, Dance Wraps, Some Glitter Tattoo's and Face Glitter! I told Abby it's like going to the Toddler Prom lol!

I love this picture!! You can really see their personalities in it!

Look at all the cute fairies getting as close as they can!

We were double excited for Elf the Fairy Cake Maker to be here this time!! He started the show and helped all the Fairy Dancing Girls call the Fairies to come and play!

Here's Lilah chilling on Abby's lap. She was happy as long as she was sitting on someones lap, but if we tried to get her to go dance around with the other kids she said NO WAY! I did ask Emmy to take her by the hand to go dance and Lilah was happy to go with Emmy, but the second Emmy dropped her hand she came bolting back to us hahhaha

Once we first got there Emmy couldn't run away fast enough to join in with the dancing girls. Then about 2 min's later she came back for her pom poms.

Yep...still dancing!

In this one she spots two little girls coming that have the fairies dancing skirt on... I think she liked this because she kept dancing beside them later on.

This is Lilah during the show. She was in awe and taking it all in. Towards the end she started doing some wiggling to the songs hahah

She doesn't look like a baby anymore! Overnight she's become a little girl *tear*

Here are some video's..... not anything super amazing on here, but just to give you and idea of what its like and in some of them Lilah is wiggling which is cute! They are HD so go ahead and make them full sized for your screen to see the best as it's pretty dark.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy 4th Of July

How fun for the girls that Auntie Abby was out here for the Fourth of July! We did sparklers with the girls and Abby made her patriotic cake :)

Lilah loved the sparklers and with no fear wanted to touch them and get really close. Emmy on the other had understood that they were hot and could burn you and had to be coxed into holding one. Abby and I played showed the girls how to play with them a couple of times before lighting them and sticking them in their hands. I ended up picking up each of the girls and helping them run around because I think they were very nervous about running into the very dark backyard.

After that we were all freezing cold so we went back into the house to decorate the cake. Lots of pictures down below :) I hope you like them! Happy 4th of July! xo

What Mom and Auntie! We'll show you how to do it!

Lilah was hooked! Emmy was standing back trying to figure out what the heck was going on!

Give it to me Mom!!!!

Lilah watching Mommy light her sparkler!

Auntie Abby showing how to make circles!

Emmy didn't like the smell they were giving off and Lilah was ready to have another one!

Oh no...... a bowl of blueberries. This could be messy!

Great job Lilah! You are getting so big!

Emmy loved mushing the strawberries deep down.... so I piled more on top.... the more strawberries the better if you ask me!

Yes..... it was way yummy! And the Whipped Cream topping made the girls terribly gassy and poppie all the next day though. I think I'll have to figure out a dairy free version and alter Abby's recipe so we can make it again for Australia Day!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lilah - 16 Months

Lilah Asenith Harrison
16 Months Old

Lilah eating Mommy's homemade marshmallows!

This is a long and overdue post about Miss Lilah! In the past 6 weeks she's really gone from my baby to a toddler. She understands everything we say to her and in the past 1-2 weeks she's gone through a signing revelation! It's finally made a click in her head and she knows that it can get her what she wants. She's signing milk, more, food/eat, baby, dog, cat, bird, horse, please, all done, drink, water, cracker, yes, and no. For "yes" she shakes her whole body in a yes hahah. Cat was her first used word after mom and dad and it was also her first sign. Hanging beside the change table in their nursery are three pictures I framed made from felt. A bird, a panda, and a cat. It was this cat that she loved and we'd talk about when I was changing her and Abby was the one to show her the sign for cat and she picked it up from that minute on. This prompted us to really kick in our teaching time and obviously she was ready to learn! She's also starting to say things clearly so we can all understand. The best example of this is "thank you". It's so cute to hear her say it.

I have been extremely impressed and relived that her pain tolerance has seemed to increase. Teething time use to be excruciating for all of us with endless hours of crying no matter how much medicine, teething gel, cold rags, and ice we gave her. Right now she's teething two bottom first molars and one top first molar .....on most days you wouldn't even know it! Every now and then she'll get a little whiny and will have her hand in her mouth so I'll pull out the teething gel and that's all it takes to get her over the hump.

Her over all happiness has increase 100% along with her independence. She's not afraid of situations as much as she was before and most times she'll allow other children and people to approach her without her freaking out. She's even been letting strangers pick her up (not strangers to me, but to her) I never thought I'd see that day come lol. She loves to dance, climb, and swing and over all has become a little daredevil just like her sister, but she is a little bit accident prone. I don't think we have ever made it though a day without her bumping her head at least once and about 10 times a day is more normal. We are always saying "aawww your poor little head".

The most resent update would be the beginning of our potty training. We decided to do the Potty Training Boot Camp and within the first hour she did a teeny tiny pee in her potty. Since it's so cold right now we are limited on when we can do the diaper free time, so it's going to be relaxed and when the house gets all toasty and warm, but I think it'll be no time and she'll be using her potty like a big girl. Emmy was an broke early at 19 months, but Lilah may really blow her out of the water with this one! What can I say? I've got really brilliant children :) but if it takes her till 19 months it won't bother me in the slightest.