Monday, October 5, 2009

Melbourne Trip Day 1

I spent last Wednesday packing up the car and getting everything all ready for our trip. We set our alarms for 2:30 am and had the kids and cooler loaded and on the road by 3 am. I sat squished in the backseat with the kids while Mom and Kim navigated the trip. The girls and I slept over half way before we had a stop for food and a stretch.

When Emmy wasn't sleeping she was enjoying her DVD player her dad got her. Lilah only watched hers for tiny bits at a time, but I'm sure it will be very useful in the future!

Emmy watching her Baby Einstein Signs DVD it's built into the headrest

After we hit downtown Melbourne Emmy stuck her hand down into Lilah's car seat on her side and said "eewwww" I had a look at her fingers then quickly looked down that side and Lilah had done one massive blow out. Out the diaper, through the clothes and all over the car seat. We had to do an emergency stop and strip both baby and car seat. I'm so lucky that I had two car seat covers on it that I had made a while back so it was easy to put back a clean baby in a clean seat!

Operation Clean Baby!!

Emmy running off some steam with daddy

It didn't take much longer and we were at our hotel. We unpacked and got organized then took off for the hot tub! Emmy loved the hot water and it felt so good to get into because the air outside was so cold! Once we got back to the room we warmed up some left over pizza. We called room service to come pick it up and I think they thought we were pretty weird haha but Paul (the service man/bartender/ice bringer) took it down for us. Mom thought Paul was pretty cute :)Mom and Lilah happy to be at the hotel finally!

ahhh this feels good!

Here's what our trip looked like and it took us around 9 hours to get there.

To Be Continued...

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