Wednesday, April 29, 2009

14 Months Today!

My little Pisces doing what she loves best! Water play!!

I guess I'll be posting these kind of posts just a couple days apart for a while! Emmy is doing new stuff all the time. Just today she clearly tried to say "milk" when I was making some up for her. She signs like crazy and I look forward to her helping to teach Lilah when the time comes. She can walk very well and has almost mastered a run without falling down. She's already a mother hen and will get down on Lilah's level when she's having floor time and will give her lots of kisses and even lay down beside her and just be in the moment. Very sweet!

Most of you know that we are raising the girls in the family bed. Last night we had a HUGE breakthrough. Emmy was telling us that she was tired, which usually means that I need to go to bed with her, but I've decided that a 14 month old really shouldn't rule my bed time any longer and I just took her into bed; gave her her favorite dolly and kissed her good night and told her it was time to sleep. MAGIC! She went to sleep and didn't make a peep for the rest of the night. I strive to always be consistent in anything we do and I sure hope that this pattern will continue in this direction. She also has been deciding that she doesn't' need to sleep in our bed anymore and scoots over to her crib that we have attached to our bed. Such big steps of independents!

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