Friday, June 20, 2008

4 months

A whole 16 weeks old today! She's doing more and more things everyday. She's super good at reaching out and grabbing things on her play mat and her swing. She's discovered the tags on her taggie blanket which makes me super happy. Today when Kim scooped her up she had such a good hold on one of the tags she carried it a fair while before she dropped it. Way cute! She also talks like crazy. Lots of noises the entire time she plays. My mother in law has said from the beginning that Emmy is the most smiley baby ever but now it seems like she's smiling even more. I love it when I am rocking her and I'll look into her pretty brown eyes and she'll look back and give me the biggest smile ever with a little "aaahhhaa" sound. Just melts the heart!

We're signing "milk" to her lots and I just started to sign "water" although they both come in a bottle so I don't know if she'll understand the difference for a long while... we'll see. I've added "mommy" and "daddy" just today. In what I have read it says you want to sign at least 30 times a day minimum which sounds like a lot but it really adds up fast.

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