Thursday, January 27, 2011

Disney Live - My little Cinderella & Snow White

On Australia Day we took the girls to see Disney's Three Classic Fairytales Live. We got the tickets 6 months ago and it feels like we've been waiting forever!! The show was short versions of Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and it lasted around 2 hours. The girls were pumped and very excited to see it. I made Emmy a Cinderella dress and Lilah wore a super cute Snow White dress (Emmy's hand me down from Disney On Ice). The reason I made Emmy's dress is I couldn't find one that was cute as the Snow White dress I had bought before. All the Cinderella dresses looked so cheap and they were $50! I'd rather spend the $50 making one, so I did, but it didn't cost $50...what a deal! lol

I waited to dress them until we got there because it was really hot outside and I didn't want anything spilled or stuck to their dress during the 45 min drive to the city. As I was dressing Emmy I could tell she was very proud and just glowing. Kim dressed Lilah and while we walked to the venue she insisted on walking herself and bouncing her dress. Too cute!

During the show they got treated to Princess Snow Cone Cups, Popcorn, Cotton Candy, and I nearly had to give both an arm and a leg! Such a rip off, but they loved it and I like them to have the cups from all the shows we take them too because it prompts memories and in the end that's what it's all about....creating memories!

I was curious to see how Lilah would do during the show. She's often scared of people and loud noises and is easily overwhelmed. She wasn't clingy or afraid of anything and she was even wanting to stand on my lap to make sure she could see with no obstacles. We had good seats, 14th row, but when you as tiny as she is there's always someone blocking your view. She wasn't all that much taller than me when standing on my lap so I let her do it. When the "Be Our Guest" song started she totally let go and really started dancing. She was grooving to the beat and was so into it! I wish I could have got that on video haha. Emmy just seemed to be mesmerized while trying to take it all in.

When it came time to say good bye to the princesses I was hoping that Emmy would be ready to go and not be upset, but she was a little bit disappointed. Since then she's asked me several times if she can go watch the 'princess show' again. I tell her .....' in six months we'll go to the princess castle and she'll get to meet them and hug them" she just looks at me like I'm nuts, lol! I can't wait though!! Their faces at Disney World will be worth all 30+ hours in air, 36 hours roundtrip by car, and every dime spent!

So excited for the show to start!

I really wish this picture didn't turn out blurry! She was being such a big girl while waiting for the show to start!

While waiting they popped into the isle to do some dancing and they liked seeing all the other little girls walking by in princess dresses!

Hey you....look at mommy! I know you're over getting your picture taken!

Lets get back to our seats, the show is about to start!

I had to just hold up the camera and take the picture, so they are not very good, but you can get the idea. This is Cinderella and the Prince when he finds out who she is.

The costumes all looked great! The only character that wasn't a real person was the step mother. She was really really tall and had a person inside walking her around I think.

Gaston was atleast 6'5 and much better looking than the character was meant to be, hehe, but I didn't mind!

I was excited to see the Beast's costume. They did a really good job and they guy playing him was good at mimicking the Beast's walking and jumping!

Saying goodbye to the Princesses!

They filled the air with confetti and you could hear all the kids "ooowwww" ing

I took this one in complete was while the confetti had just been dropped and she was anxious to get a piece!

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